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A top priority for Eastside Catholic is the safety, security and well-being of our students while providing an exceptional education based on our Mission and Touchstones. We seek to empower our students with the support, tools and skills necessary to meet the challenges of today’s world and are committed to building, enhancing and expanding our current safety and security program. Our goal this year is to raise a minimum of $300,000 for Making a Difference. Half of these funds will be used to further enhance security on campus which may include building modifications at the front entrance of the school, expanding and enhancing visual monitoring and communication systems and further security measures throughout campus. The other half of the monies raised will establish an endowment to provide funding in perpetuity for student resources related to mental health and professional development opportunities to ensure our faculty and staff are well equipped with the latest techniques and training to best serve our students. Feeling safe at school translates into higher academic achievement, increased student well-being and greater engagement. We are committed to educating the whole person while working together to ensure our students’ safety and welfare. We are counting on the support of our compassionate community and generous donors who understand the value of a secure and safe learning environment. Please open your hearts and make a difference!